Today, internet terms like blogs, articles, guest post and sponsored post are no longer new to you. Although these may sound alike to you, yet these strategies are quite different on various grounds from one another. Some bloggers approach it casually and masters in a field.
They put up article after article, week after week, and gain awareness for their wisdom of insight and online character. At a particular point, every strong blogger will see a spike in traffic, readership, and search rankings in Google.
What Is A Guest Post or Guest Blogging?
Let’s start with a simple question, What is Guest Post or Guest Blogging?
Guest Post is a simple practice done by another blogger to build an online relationship with owner blogger by contributing a post on his website. This may help the other blogger in leveraging his website to the next level by generating backlinks and getting popularity from others website.

Guest posts are where writers create a unique and original post on another site with a mention of the author. Guest posting can help build brand awareness with different viewers and help drive new traffic to your site.
It is also the practice of contributing a post to another person’s blog to build relationships, exposure, authority, and links. Links are a primary ranking factor in Google. And in SEO guest blogging offers a strong opportunity to secure a link back from another website, in addition to the other marketing considerations.
Guest posting establishes a relationship with the blogger hosting your post, taps into their audience for additional exposure and helps you establish authority among the target audience. There are many different ways to find guest blogging sites. Guest posts are a blog article according to the requirements of a particular blogger to get backlinks in return.
Many bloggers using backlinks to publish high-quality content on their blogs for attracting new and current readers. And This makes guest blogging a win-win solution for both website owners.

Benefits of Guest Blogging
Guest posting is one of the popular practice when it is done correctly. It can significantly boost your brand awareness and popularity.
Here are some of the benefits of writing guest posts:
Get quality traffic-
- The richest advantage that you are getting after publishing a guest post on other websites is that you can get quality traffic from other websites and can convert it into leads. The audience or target market of another website is new and has much more potential of being a customer of your product.
Build Domain and Search Engine Authority-
- Guest Posting helps in building the Domain authority of a particular website. It helps in building the authority in the eyes of the search engine.
Builds backlinks for your website-
- Guest posting helps in building backlinks for your website. As more you do a guest post for your website, more you are in a win-win situation. Backlinks are the main factors of SEO in the ranking.
An easy way to build a freelance writing portfolio-
- Writing a guest post and publishing a guest post is very much helpful in building a good writing profile. As the more, you publish content whether it is on your own website or others, day after day you are getting fine in content writing. And at last, you are adding a qualification of being a freelance content writer.
Increase your subscriber base with exposure and brand awareness-
- Doing a guest post has multiple benefits it helps in increasing your subscriber base with more exposure and brand awareness. Posting own content on other websites helps to reach a new audience.
Backlinks in Guest Posts
For guest posts, every person emailing you is secretly looking (and maybe directly asking) for a backlink to their website. They are writing you an article in order to get their link on your website, thereby increasing their search rank. This is the non-monetary exchange that happens between bloggers all the time and is standard in the industry.

If you start to accept guest posts, make a clear decision on whether or not you will allow “do follow” backlinks or backlinks that search engines can use. If you don’t want to allow them, you have to be very clear with your guest posters that they will not get a backlink from you.
Paying for Guest Posts
Guest posts are typically written and posted for free. You do not owe them anything beyond the byline and a do-follow backlink (unless otherwise discussed). This is the industry standard, but there are still plenty of websites that offer $25-100 for a guest post article. If you have the traffic and resources to offer that, by all means, go for it.

It will increase the quality of articles you are able to publish, but also massively increase the quantity, not all of which will be good. And by increasing the quantity it is also having a plus point that there are different types of taste and preferences of articles that will help to satisfy user intent.
What Is A Sponsored Post?
Sponsored posts and Guest posts mainly differentiated in terms of payments and adverts.
A sponsored post is a post on a website or blog which is paid for by a sponsor are viewed by visitors. This is a valid advertising method, while others believe that they can be somewhat misleading, and they can compromise the honesty of a website.
A number of advertising companies offer sponsored post services that connect advertisers with willing authors. But the thing is that there is a huge difference between sponsored content and native advertising. Some companies also reach out directly to websites that are read by their target audience. When the owner of a website is ethical, he or she clearly identifies sponsored posts.
The content of such posts varies; a sponsored post may, for example, review a product, or discuss a company’s offerings. In other instances, website owners simply embed advertisements from sponsors in posts that are related to their products, differentiating such advertising from sidebar or banner ads elsewhere on the site, and sometimes charge a premium for it.

Some bloggers make sponsored posting into a very profitable venture, monetizing their blogs very effectively. Others may use it to create a small supplemental income which helps to pay for site maintenance and special projects. It is common to see sponsored posts combined with other forms of advertising; for advertisers, the advantage of sponsored posts is that they show up in site feeds, ensuring that they reach all viewers of a site, not just those who visit the main page.
A sponsored post is also known as a promoted post. These posts are posts to a website sponsored as an advertisement by a company. This helps to draw a large amount of popularity to the most viewed page on the website. The model has become adopted by various ad-supported but community-driven websites as an addition, substitute or replacement of other pay-per-click advertisement formats, such as web banners, text and rich media.
How To Write A Sponsored Blog Post?
There are many different approaches bloggers take when writing or creating sponsored content. Some write straight reviews, DIY projects or unique recipes, and some like to tell a personal story. It’s important to be authentic and only promote the products and services you’ve used yourself, and would like to recommend to your friends and family.

Trust is very important in the blogging world, and if you want to make a living working with brands, only partner with the ones you stand behind. Some people argue that when bloggers write paid content, it compromises the rest of the content on their sites; for example, an author who writes a sponsored post about diet pills might be reluctant to criticize the diet industry. Others simply find sponsored posts irritating, especially when they deviate radically from the rest of the blog’s content. Some blogs certainly do lose readers by going overboard with sponsored posts.
The revenue from sponsored posts varies. The bigger the website, the greater the profit, because advertisers will pay more to sites with more readers. But smaller websites may offer free products or smaller incentives, with advertisers hoping to reach niche readerships with a minimal outlay of money or goods.
Backlinks in Sponsored Posts
The backlinks are any hyperlinked link in your post that used to redirect visitors to new articles, services, and offers. Click and display to your audience is one thing, but companies want that backlink more than anything. It’s a double-whammy for sponsored posts because you are not only promoting a product but helping a company’s position on search engines.
Because the company is a company instead of an individual with a blog, it only makes sense that they need to cough up more for that backlink. This can be money, or it can be something else you want.
Paying for Sponsored Posts

Sponsored posts are typically written for a fee. A corporation is directly asking you to endorse a product include a backlink and share it with your community. This is a tall order, one that typically requires cash to swallow. You have to think of the sponsored post as a marketing firm. These companies have contacted you because your website gives excellent backlinks to other sites you’ve trusted.
Till now we are able to understand both types of the post whether it is a guest post or sponsored post. Know its time to understand what is the main difference between the guest post and sponsored post-
Difference Between Guest post(free) and Sponsored post(paid)

There are many types of difference between guest post and sponsored post-
- Written by-
- Guest posts are mainly written by those website bloggers who are supposed to get a high-quality backlink for there website.
- Sponsored posts are mainly written by professional content writers as directed by the sponsored party.
- Payment made-
- In the guest post, the payment (can be made or not) is made by the website owner to publish his post, but not as huge as it is made in the sponsored post.
- In the sponsored post, the payment is too made but it is more than a guest post as the main purpose of this post is publicity.
- Main purpose-
- The main purpose of writing a guest post is to get a high-quality backlink which increases the domain and search engine authority of the website.
- The main purpose of writing a sponsored post is to popularise the company product or service.
- Time of result-
- The result received for the guest post may vary from 1-2 months as the ranking is mainly dependent on the domain authority (DA)
- The result received from the sponsored post is quick as in comparison to guest post as it is mainly done for product or service.
- Result of Impact last for-
- The impact of the result lasts until the link is placed i.e if the link is not removed or backlinks retain its value.
- In the sponsored post, the situation is a little bit different as the impact is limited for 2-3 months as the post is celling the roof of other posts.
Lastly, I think now you have a clear understanding of the guest posts and sponsored posts. You should know that what you are offering, what you are accepting and what you are exactly willing to do? It gives a deep understanding of the guest post and sponsored posts and points out the difference between the two.
In short, if we want to tell you the essence- The guest post are done by those bloggers and webmasters who genuinely want to improve there ranking with the help of backlinks. And the sponsored posts are those types of posts that is specially meant for promotion and improving ranking is the second most alternative of the concern.
Guest posts and sponsored posts are both beneficial in certain conditions, but we all know that access and miss use of anything is a bad habit. So always try to do everything genuinely and be one of to stand out from the crowd.
I hope this post was useful and cleared all your doubts !!!